Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Business Funny

I went to my nephew's birthday party tonight and one of my neighbors who is a friend of the family told me a story. Apparently, yesterday a FedEx truck came up his driveway which he thought was odd since he's actually still building his house, it's not finished yet. The FedEx man asked if he was house #2 and he said no, he's house #3. Well I'm on the corner of our road and another road and my neighbor actually thought my address was on the other road so it just wasn't clicking for him that I'm in fact house #2. So the FedEx man is looking at his paperwork, very frustrated, and says he has a package for Chick Evens. My neighbor tells him there is no Chick Evens on our road. And now he too is confused. He then looks at the package and reads "So Chic Events" (out loud) and says, oh that's right over there (and points to my house). So not only did the FedEx man not read Chic right but he didn't even read Events right! My business became a man. I've often had to correct people that it's So Chic and not So Chick and I actually once blogged about it, but this is a first! I laughed rather hard at this story, to me it was rather amusing.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh...if anyone else calls me So Chick Events, I am going to blow a gasket! That happens waaaay more than it should and it seriously grinds on every one of my nerves! :) Chick Evens though - that's a new one to me!