Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One "Hot" Wedding

I came across an article last week about bride and groom firefighters who took the idea of personalizing their day to a whole new level. I always love reading about unique weddings especially ones that truly reflect the couple, it's what really sets it apart from every other wedding. This is one wedding I wish I had a chance to see in person since everything about this wedding was different than the traditional wedding, from the way the bride arrived at the ceremony to the location itself and even the groom's attire. The getaway "vehicle" was also rather clever and what they used in lieu of wedding bells on the back brought a smile to my face.

I have to say that I also enjoyed this story because I truly admire firefighters and what they do. To read something like this where they love what they do so much that they want to make it a part of their day, that is wonderful, especially when that job is something as noble as being a firefighter. Read the full story here.